Do I need to have marched before?

Nope. Formal marching band experience is useful, but not required for membership. We bring everyone onto the same page at camp regarding step form, method, terminology, and drill reading. Basic playing and reading skills on your instrument, however, is required. Auditions for Drumline and Color Guard take place over the summer, all wind players are auditioned on the first day of camp for part placement within their section.


Do I need to be a music major to join the band?

Absolutely not! In a typical year, about 10% of the Spirit and Sound is majoring in music. The band is proud of its membership diversity with students participating from every college and almost all majors on campus. Most students in the band are in one of the Engineering disciplines or one of the Science disciplines

There is a high chance that someone in the band is pursuing your major right now.


What travel opportunities are there?

Each year the band takes at least one trip during football season. The band also travels to bowl games during the postseason when the occasion arises. In 2023 the band took the Spirit and Sound to California and Arizona, and to the Sun Bowl in El Paso, TX.

Additionally, each year band members travel to the men’s and women’s PAC12 tournament and NCAA tournaments should the occasion arise. In recent years March Madness has taken the band to Las Vegas, Seattle, Lexington, Knoxville, New York, Los Angeles, and more.


What’s the time commitment?

The biggest time commitment that we ask of our members is during camp – see the camp question below.

During the season, the OSUMB rehearses three nights a week (MWF, 6:00-8:20pm) and performs on Saturdays of home games, usually four or five per season during the quarter. We maneuver the schedule to make it work for the most students possible. The band is comprised of students from every undergraduate department at the university, and the largest major in our group is Engineering. Everyone is reliant on everyone else during both rehearsals and games, consistent attendance is both required and paramount to our success. The staff work very hard behind the scenes to ensure that rehearsals are efficient so that your band experience is complimentary to your academic pursuits.


What’s the deal with Camp?

Band camp at OSU takes place before school starts each fall, and is where a majority of our learning and preparation takes place. It is the week where we bring everyone on the same page regarding our musical concepts, repertoire, marching form, and drill. Camp operates on a rolling start basis. It starts with Drumline, and we add groups until we are in full-band mode. In 2024 the start dates are as follows:

  • Drumline and Guard start Sept 9th

  • First Year Wind players start Sept 15th

  • All other members start Sept 16th

  • Camp includes the game on Sept 21st

Camp ends prior to fall quarter week zero, and we begin our regular rehearsal schedule on Monday the 30th.


What about Basketball season?

Members of the Spirit and Sound also perform at Basketball games during Winter Quarter. Since we carry a our music and performance concepts from football into basketball, participation in the fall is required for participation in the winter. Basketball Band is awesome.

Additionally, members are encouraged to audition for Rhythm and Beavs. R&B is our audition-only special performances group, and covers everything from building openings to the PAC12 and NCAA tournaments.


How much does band cost?

While there are costs associated with being a member of the OSUMB, we are very aware of the financial stresses of college students and keep the costs as low as possible. There is a one-time new member fee of $180, which covers your band hat, t-shirt, uniform polo, rain jacket, gloves, and gym bag. Instruments and full-dress uniforms are provided by the OSUMB with an agreement they they be treated well and returned at the end of the season. There is no returning member fee.

Thanks to the generous support of our student government, each member of the Spirit and Sound is able to perform on a school instrument. That means that nobody has to own their own instrument to perform with the group.


Are there Leadership Opportunities?

The OSUMB organization is built by student leadership. The Leadership is comprised of the Band Council and Section Leadership. Section Leaders play a heavy role in the organization and development of their section, including their sound, performance ability, outside events, and section activities. Drum Majors conduct the band during halftime shows, at tailgating, and help cover other events. They help teach during camp and rehearsals, and lead the band into the stadium on game days

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OSUMB By Major

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